
Google Ads 

October 11, 2019

In 2018, Google generated more than $115 billion in advertising revenue. This figure tells me that not only does a ton of people use Google Ads, but it is also very efficient. All of its users have one thing in common: they want to tap into the large number of people who are looking for information, products and services online.

But how do you know if Google Ads is right for your business? What exactly is Google Ads? To get the answers to all your questions, keep reading.


What is Google Ads?

Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) is a paid search engine developed by Google that allows you, as a business owner, to promote your products or services through the Google search engine. In short, it is a simple and effective platform that allows you to creatively use text and images to reach a very specific audience. This is a direct way to register your company at the top of the search engines for specific keywords, and you don't pay for the ad until someone clicks on it.




1. Google Ads allows you to reach your customers at exactly the right place and at the right time

Any company, regardless of size, wants to be on the first page of Google. Being seen by your customer at the exact moment they are looking for your products, information, services or address is definitely profitable.

Unfortunately for some companies that want to be in the top 10 of organic research, the reality is that the competition is fierce against experienced and motivated SEO experts with long careers.

But thanks to Google Ads, it is possible to compete at the same level. It doesn't matter if you're new to the game or if you don't have the expertise. You can get your message to your target market at exactly the right time.


2. There is no minimum investment

This is a super important and exciting point for companies working on a limited budget. With Google Ads, no minimum investment is required, neither daily nor monthly. This also means that the risk is much lower for a company that is testing a new marketing strategy.

Yes, some keywords are more expensive than others, but you are free to choose them or not.


3. You only pay for what has worked

Not only is Google Ads generally very affordable, but you only pay for what has worked. With "Pay-Per-Click (PPC)" you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

If your campaign is well designed, by adding relevant keywords, every click you pay for will be a good prospect for your company.

Another positive aspect is that although some people see your ad without necessarily clicking, you get visibility. Eventually, these views will be converted into clicks and then into sales.



4. Google Ads helps you to guide your SEO strategy

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an excellent investment because if your site is on the first Google search page, you obviously don't have to pay for clicks. Theoretically speaking, an SEO can take months or even years to be ranked on the first page, and this system requires constant efforts to keep its place.

With Google Ads, it is possible to make your website visible on the first page on Google within an hour, but you will have to pay for each click.

The thing to remember is that using Google Ads allows you to test some keywords and see if they generate sales for your company. So, you can then use this information to inform your SEO and at the same time, make sure that you invest your budget on the right keywords to generate sales, once your website is ranked.


5. Integrated return-on-investment (ROI) monitoring

It would be completely ridiculous to invest in advertising if we cannot know if it works. With Google Ads, it's never a problem.

Google Ads has built-in features that allow you to track your return on investment (ROI) and create reports as needed. The installation is quite simple that you can do it yourself.

Once the installation is complete, you can track web form submissions, online sales, phone calls and even offline sales that have been closed over the phone or in person.

In addition, the reports will tell you exactly which keywords and ads are the most popular, allowing you to allocate your budget accordingly and maximize your return on investment.



Google AdWords is an incredibly powerful tool for advertising your company.  If you pay particular attention to configuring, monitoring and managing your account, it can provide you with an excellent return on investment and create sales for your business.

If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to contact us. Using Google Ads for a multitude of clients is part of our daily work.


We look forward to doing business with you,




The Adeo team


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